
Is Your Business Draining Your Money Flow?

The only question with wealth

If you're a business leader with a desire to help many people, it's easy to reach out quickly, to give advice, coach or just offer your help. You have a giving heart and a spirit of support and love.  Often heart goes before business. Being a compassionate and caring businessperson is essential; however, Business First is critical for accelerating wealth, making more money and helping more people. 

The wealth conscious entrepreneur honours values and knows that standards and efficiency not only…

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4 Myths About Money in Business

The value of you contributions lie in the sincerity

Generally, one-third of all new businesses fail in the first three years. Many entrepreneurs believe that if they start building their business early, they’ll get ahead of their competition and start earning regular profits as long as they stick to their passion or start believing in themselves.

Unfortunately, a business doesn’t work that way, and it never will. There’s a system and a set of rules when starting. Just because you’re burning with desire and passionate about your work doesn’t mean…

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Being Competitive in Business

I double dare you to be more confident

It’s no surprise that when we start hitting more significant milestones in our business ventures, we start looking at our competition and become a little bit more aggressive than usual. We try to find ways to surpass our competitors, we research them thoroughly to find their weak points, and in the process, we tend to waste more time on less relevant things because of our ego.

Being competitive isn’t the problem, in any case. The problem is that we get blinded, and we start wasting precious tim…

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3 Reasons Why Your Business Might Go Down Hill and How to Avoid That

You are the dreamer of your dream

One quarter, you're getting more than your projected profits and getting more clients than ever but then, in the next few quarters of the year, your business is suddenly doing bad, and you start spending more than you earn. Your clients start leaving you, and nobody's buying your services or products anymore. What happened? 

There are times when we think about the question—" What did I do wrong, and how do I fix it?" 

Many factors contribute to a business losing its edge, but today, we'll talk…

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Why you Should Co-Create Instead of Engage in Competition

You are a gift to your people

Every month, there are almost 550,000 new businesses in the United States alone. That's hundreds of thousands of ideas every year, and even if we say that only 1% of those succeed and make it to their second year of business, that's 5,500 new companies you'll have to compete with if you want to stay in business. 

What's more, is that this number is projected to keep increasing significantly because almost everything anyone needs to start a business can be found online now. 

Imagine what would …

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Are You A Victim of These 3 Money Stoppers?


Financial success, financial freedom… Elusive words until one put a price tag on it. Un-quantified sums and unlimited wealth, money and having fantasies about everything you could do with the money, can be a beautiful dream or a source for nightmares, a source of pleasure as well as self-blame. 

If you don't know the dollar amount of financial success, it's difficult to calculate what it takes to achieve it. If you are unaware of the effect more money will have on your time or relationships, yo…

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5 Proper Ways to Lead a Team as a True Leader

Oct 5

We all have our definition of being a leader; however, that doesn't mean the whole team approves of your way. That also doesn't mean you have to be a pushover and give away to whatever they want. 

There's a balance between being a kind and generous leader vs leading from presence and being a strong self-actualized leader. 

But the goal here is to be able to lead YOUR team. These are the people who will be with you and help grow your business, so making sure you can lead them to the right direc…

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5 Things You Should Watch Out for When Making a Big Decision


We make decisions every day, and the choices we make affect not just our lives but the lives of the people around us, our careers, our businesses, and at times, our choices can shape the world around us.

At times though, making a big decision can be stressful, filling us with doubt about ourselves.

Should you be working late tonight? Should you go to that team meeting that you’ve been trying to avoid for the last few days? Are you ready to take on more responsibilities in your career right now…

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7 Mind Hacks to Start Making Better Decisions Faster


As leaders in the industry, there are times when we think we don’t make the right decisions. Sometimes, we start procrastinating and over-thinking the simplest of things and end up not doing anything about it, which hurts your business and the people to whom you provide your services.

We have to face many external causes; the challenges, problems, the market itself, and even competition. The question is, though, does it even matter?

Habitually we think that because we’re leaders, we have to be…

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How to Improve Your Business Using Your Intuition

How to Improve Your Business Using Your Intuition

Any veteran in your industry would tell you to stop reading about those successful entrepreneurs and start writing your own success story. But how do you create your own success story? Does it have anything to do with your marketing skills? Does it matter what race or age or place you're in? Today, let's talk about that.

First, let's talk about your intuition. More specifically, your business intuition.

Have you ever experienced a time when you wanted to do something that you believed in? …

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